
Showing posts from January, 2022

What Are Some Signs My Child May Need Therapy?

Your child goes through several changes growing up, but some may have you questioning whether your child is in a healthy state of mind. Family-Therapy offers   child and youth counselling services in Ottawa  in acknowledgement that children, like adults, go through difficult times and need guidance, help or just a listening ear. Unfortunately, most children are not able to tell their parents they are in emotional distress and going for therapy can be helpful for him or her. It takes their parent’s observations for their child’s distress to determine the need for professional therapy.  Learn to recognize some of these indicative signs that your child needs therapy:   1. Defiant Behaviour  Wondering whether something is “off”? Is your child displaying behaviour that constantly gets them in trouble at home or school? At a young age, children may not be able to express their emotional distress with words. Some children express their inner turmoil through behaviours like talking back, not l